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Clarkes Body Snatcher Josephines Shocking Revelation

Clarke's Body Snatcher: Josephine's Shocking Revelation

The 100 Season 6 Episode 4 Unravels a Web of Deception

Clarke's Survival Hinges on a Life-or-Death Choice

In a gripping twist that sent shockwaves through "The 100" fandom, Clarke Griffin's body was seized by Josephine Lightbourne in season 6 episode 4. Josephine's possession raised a chilling question: would Clarke's mind have to be sacrificed to remove the intruder?

The revelation was set in motion when Josephine, with Clarke's body under her control, displayed an uncharacteristic hair twirl before a mirror. This subtle clue alerted viewers to the body-snatching truth.

Josephine's knowledge of how to purge Clarke's subconscious gave her a formidable advantage. However, Clarke managed to fight for control, despite Josephine's relentless efforts.

As the aftermath of this shocking revelation unfolds, questions linger. If Josephine's chip is removed, will Clarke be restored? Or will her mind be permanently erased? The true ramifications of this body-snatching saga remain an enigmatic threat that could shatter the delicate balance of "The 100" world.
