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Brightons Tactical Strength The De Zerbi Build Up

Brighton's Tactical Strength: The De Zerbi Build-Up

Low Build-Up and High Turnovers

Brighton's tactical strength under Roberto De Zerbi lies in their effective build-up play. In the low build-up, the team aligns in a 1-4-2-2-2 formation, emphasizing possession and patient progression.

UEFA-Qualified Coach Analysis

Our UEFA-qualified coaches analyzed De Zerbi's tactics prior to his appointment at Brighton. Before the Ukrainian Premier League season was canceled due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, De Zerbi managed the team for 18 games. Since his arrival at Brighton, the team ranks third in the Premier League for high turnovers ending in a shot, demonstrating their continued pressing approach. Despite the cancellation of the Ukrainian Premier League season, De Zerbi's tactical influence has been evident in Brighton's performance.

European Ambitions

Our tactical analysis suggests that De Zerbi's Brighton has the potential to make a significant impact on the Premier League and compete for European positions. Their solid build-up play and pressing style make them a formidable opponent, with the Italian coach aiming to guide them towards their European ambitions.
